YOUR CREATIVE BRAIN Buddhi Clinic’s Brain and Behaviour Dialogue

your creative brain

YOUR CREATIVE BRAIN Buddhi Clinic’s Brain and Behaviour Dialogue

when less is more

When Less is More | Taking Care of the Elderly People

the quintessential rational mind

The Quintessential Rational Mind

integrated care for old people

Healthcare & Integrated Care for Old People

In our advent of going beyond medication, we at Buddhi clinic have an integrative 3M approach that aims at a steady improvement in health and integrated care for old people or for elders.

Why do I Find it Difficult to Finish What I Started? – Story on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

A disorder that affects adult’s ability to pay attention, control moods and complete tasks, explains the behaviour. A lawyer who quit his profession because he could not pay attention to what his opponent was saying in court. A start-up founder, brilliant at strategizing, lost money because he could not send invoices on time.
new horizons in elder care

New Horizons in Elder Care

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