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The Mind in Modern Medicine

The view that it is not enough to heal the body of the affected person, that we must also heal the mind, is gaining credence.It is curious that the mind, so important at the turn of the 20th century, is experiencing today a reawakening in scientific and societal consciousness. The founders of modern medical science in the 18th and 19th centuries had clearly conceived the mind to be a representation of the brain; people like Alois Alzheimer demonstrated pathological abnormalities in the brain of people affected with dementia. Indeed, centuries earlier, the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, had firmly placed “our joys, sorrows, desires and feelings” in the brain.Sigmund Freud, who started his career as a neurologist, developed an interest in the mind while a student of the legendary neurologist Charcot in Paris. Charcot was deeply interested in hysteria, that condition where physical symptoms like fainting, seizures and paralysis are expressed due to an abnormal emotional state, rather than an abnormal physical state.

Many aspiring neurologists of the time including Freud were attracted to Paris by Charcot’s knowledge and erudition.Sigmund Freud, however, branched off from Charcot to develop his own hypothesis of the human mind, in what famously became the school of psychoanalysis. Freud took the exploration of the mind in hysterical states deeper, into areas that few physicians before him had dared to tread. His theory of “consciousness” attempted to explain the role of deep-rooted emotional conflicts originating in early life, in developing symptoms of the mind later on. Freudian thought is complex, requiring many hours of concerted study. In a nutshell, Freud proposed that the human tendency was to repress anxiety provoking emotional conflicts that the conscious mind could not possibly contemplate.

While these thoughts were confined to the unconscious mind, there were, inevitably, times when they emerged into the conscious, and given their unacceptable nature manifested (were converted into) a physical symptom, instead. Freudian thought spawned a school of psychoanalysis which dominated the practice of “psychological medicine” for over a century. However, his all-pervasive view of sexual underpinnings for all manner of emotional conflict, for example the Oedipus complex where the mother is the inappropriate object of sexual attention of the male child, was not accepted in its totality by his contemporaries.Two milestones in the latter half of the twentieth century brought the mind firmly back into the realm of brain science. The first, the discovery of the neuroleptic drug chlorpromazine that could control effectively the symptoms of serious mental illness like schizophrenia, followed on by a range of psychotropic drugs with potential to address a range of other emotional symptoms, provided indirect evidence that the brain had a role in the development and manifestation of human emotions. The second, the development of several dynamic brain-imaging tools in the last two decades of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty-first, has transformed our understanding of the human brain and mind, permitting us to visualise live, brain activity during a psychological task.


The brain and mind interface is therefore at an interesting crossroads in modern medicine. There is a growing understanding in medical science of the role our brains play in determining what are predominantly emotional symptoms. Research, for example, has shown that people with psychopathic personalities, hitherto considered to suffer from a disorder of the mind, have a poor perception of others’ facial emotions, and experience difficulties in affect recognition (that is, gauging the other person’s mood). These abnormalities in perception have been linked to abnormalities in brain function, the amygdala, part of the emotional brain, being implicated in many instances. Clearly, as our ability to image the mind expands, so will our understanding of brain-mind relationships and knowledge of “how the mind works!”From a social and health policy perspective, the mind has assumed considerable importance. In a seminal paper, “The Mental Wealth of Nations,” published in Nature (Volume 455; October 23, 2008), Beddington and colleagues emphasise that countries must learn to capitalise on their citizens’ cognitive resources if they are to prosper, both economically and socially, and that early interventions for emotional health and cognition will be the key to prosperity. Reporting the Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing commissioned by the U.K. Government Office for Science, they introduce two important concepts.

Mental capital encompasses both cognitive and emotional resources. It includes people’s cognitive ability; their flexibility and efficiency at learning; and their emotional intelligence, or social skills and resilience in the face of stress. Mental well-being, on the other hand, refers to individuals’ ability to develop their potential, work productively and creatively, build strong and positive relationships with others and contribute to their community. The importance of detecting mental disorders early, the role of science, for example neural markers for childhood learning disability; the development of early interventions that enhance mental capital and mental well-being, boosting brain power through the lifespan; and encouragement for processes that will help people adapt well to the changing needs of the workplace, as also engage in life-long learning, are highlighted here.From a clinical practice perspective, the importance of mental health, wellness and health-related quality of life as outcome indicators of both physical and mental disorders is becoming widely accepted.

The view is that it is not enough to heal the body of a person affected with physical disease; it is also crucial that we heal the mind, enhancing wellness, is gaining credence in modern medicine, quality of life having become established as the best outcome of treatment. Indeed, the reintegration of people into society as they recover from illness requires as an imperative the restoration of both their mental capital and mental well-being. Pray, what is the status of hysteria, that original symptom of the mind, in this era of modern medicine, you may well ask. It is noteworthy that a whole range of bodily symptoms that have no physical basis — tension headache and chronic fatigue, atypical facial pain, atypical chest pain, irritable bowels and bladder, fibromyalgia, burning in the private parts, to name just a few — all have their putative origins in the theory of hysterical conversion. It is estimated that between 20 per cent and 35 per cent of all primary care consultations and about a fifth of all emergency room visits are for physical symptoms such as these, that do not have a physical basis. They are also responsible for the loss of many patient and caregiver workdays; untold suffering and burdensome expense, both personal and social; and unnecessary investigations in pursuit of that elusive diagnosis.Physicians who frequently encounter these symptoms have learnt to spot the telltale signs that are their forerunner: multiple consultations (doctor shopping); the large bag filled with a variety of investigation reports that have mysteriously failed to identify “anything wrong”; the constant need for reassurance, combined curiously with disbelief in the doctor’s opinion, notwithstanding his erudition; the development of new symptoms, without any apparent physical basis, soon after old ones disappear; disenchantment with the medical profession for failing to diagnose, sometimes even subtle pride in being “such a difficult diagnostic dilemma”; as indeed the failure of any serious setback to manifest itself despite months, sometimes years, of ongoing symptoms… the list of diagnostic clues is endless.

The French physician Briquet described this syndrome which for many years carried his name. In modern medicine this ailment goes by the name “Somatisation Disorder.” And in the clinic setting, in an era of advancing diagnostic technology, it has become the most common manifestation of hysteria. Indeed, somatisation, thought to be more common in non-western cultures with traditionally limited verbal expression of emotions, is almost becoming fashionable, akin to “swooning” (another hysterical symptom) in the Victorian era.Hysteria does therefore exemplify the importance of the mind in modern medicine. It may well have origins in the brain, which future research may reveal: it clearly is a significant public health problem that does affect mental capital and well-being; it does pose a tremendous drain on the public exchequer and private resources; it has potential for cure through early diagnosis and intervention; and interestingly, may well be the last frontier to traverse at the interface between the brain and mind.

Children Epilepsy & Seizures Expert Blogs Featured

The Whole Picture – Epilepsy Care and Management

A therapeutic alliance and an interdisciplinary approach work well for patients with epilepsy.

In over 85 per cent of cases,
epilepsy can be treated successfully.

Epilepsy was once considered a manifestation of gods, demons, spirits and their disaffection with humankind. Its treatment in ancient times involved a range of rituals and exorcisms. In the 19th century, as medical science evolved, epilepsy came to be regarded as a disease of the brain but continued to be associated closely with the mind and was often treated in asylums by doctors, who were as concerned with mental illness as they were with epilepsy.In the first part of the 20th century, clear associations between the mind and epilepsy began to emerge from patient settings. That behaviours could be a manifestation of underlying epilepsy (epileptic equivalents), precede a seizure (aura or warning), and follow seizures (post-ictal states) all became part of neurological lore. That psychological states (hysteria) could manifest with seizure-like episodes, ‘psychogenic seizures’, or ‘pseudoseizures’ also were described. Anxiety, depression, psychosis, obsessions, hysteria… a wide range of mental states being a prelude to seizures, accompanying silent seizures, or following seizures were described by European neuro-psychiatrists. However, despite this rich medical literature of over two centuries, the relationship between epilepsy and the mind remains much misunderstood as also the treatment of disorders thereof.Fourteen-year-old Miss V, with a childhood history of febrile seizures, suffered from repeated episodes of jerking and being ‘absent’ that tended to cluster around her menstrual periods. She also had falling academic grades, mood swings, anxiety, disturbed digestion and poor sleep. A good student whose childhood epilepsy had been well controlled, she was bemused by the sudden outbreak of symptoms around menarche that had over a year substantially reduced her quality of life.Consultations with an array of specialists and close observation by her intelligent and attentive parents led to the understanding that the problem was not easily responsive to conventional medication; was closely linked to stress, both academic and familial; clustered around her menstrual periods; was unpredictable and at times subtle (a jerk or two while on the dining table that could otherwise pass off as a teenage mannerism); could affect her on several days in a month. Indeed, her father, a diligent record keeper, could identify as many as 50 to 60 events in a given month occurring in five to six clusters.A comprehensive care approach for such a patient would comprise:A detailed interdisciplinary history: general medical, menstrual, neurological, psychiatric, developmental, social, familial and nutritionalA detailed treatment history: drugs, doses, side-effects, impact of treatment. Investigations to exclude co-morbidities and complications.Establishment of a therapeutic alliance with the family: A firm commitment to work together with transparency, mutual respect and common goals.An interdisciplinary therapeutic programme: nutritional and medical, psychological counselling, yoga therapy, naturopathic and Ayurveda therapies for digestion, sleep and peri-menstrual symptoms.A carefully graded approach to drug treatment of epilepsy with commitment to identify the ideal drug combination and the therapeutic window thereof.After a similar approach for Miss V, one year later it was found:Episodes diminished from 50 to two to three a month.Attacks were brief and had limited impact (a couple of hours at best).Peri-menstrual periods were bearable.Mood swings and anxiety had remitted; sleep and appetite improved greatly; stress levels fallen.Is compliant with medication and regular; tolerated her drug doses well.A therapeutic alliance and interdisciplinary approach (a recommended global best practice model of epilepsy care*) appear to have worked. Miss V is firmly on the road to recovery.FAQsWhat is epilepsy? A short circuit in the brain’s electrochemical activity is a seizure. A tendency to have unprovoked seizures is epilepsy.What causes epilepsy? About 10 per cent of all patients have clear genetic causes. In others, brain trauma (in pregnancy or later life), infections (cysticercosis and tuberculosis), inflammations, tumours; brain scarring due to poor blood supply (ischemia) and degeneration contribute.Can epilepsy be treated? In over 85 per cent of cases, epilepsy can be treated successfully (either complete absence of seizures or a substantial reduction). A range of drugs, surgical treatments and brain stimulation procedures are available.Can a person with epilepsy lead a normal life? Certainly! People with epilepsy can study, hold responsible jobs, get married, have children, play sport and engage in social, cultural activities. Limitations if any are related to driving a motorised vehicle (law varies across countries), taking part in adventure sports, swimming without supervision etc.Can epilepsy be prevented? Epilepsy is not contagious. Prevention starts at conception with good maternal health and antenatal care. Good care of the newborn, appropriate nutrition, prevention of infections, head injuries especially road traffic accidents, early diagnosis and treatment of seizures are the cornerstones of prevention.What to do when a person has a seizure? Put them on their side comfortably (the recovery position), remove all dangerous objects (those that are sharp, emit heat etc.), provide a soft head rest; hold them gently until the event is over (seconds to minutes). Do not try and insert your hands into their mouth; do not hold them forcefully or try to interrupt the seizure. Giving them keys or metal to hold has no medical impact. If a seizure is prolonged, call an ambulance immediately.

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